Rakiura Hunter Camp Trust

Hunter Huts have the following:-


  • Bunks & mattresses.   All have six bunks except North & South Pegasus (8), Homestead, Martins & Cavalier (4)
  • Longdrop Norski Toilet.
  • Stainless steel inside bench.
  • Pot Belly stove or Wagner Sparky multifuel fire.  We recommend parties take their own fuel.  (wood and coal)  Wood is hard to find at most campsites.
  • 1000 litre watertank     (North Big Glory is only 500l)
  • Cat/possum cage trap.  PLease do not leave set when you leave.
  • Kill Trap. Can be left set when you leave.
  • Meat safe capable of holding three boned out deer.
  • Outside stainless benchtop for cleaning meat/fish.


Apart from Cavalier and Bosom huts, the interiors  all look similar although the bunk configeration may be different. Older huts may have a Yukon pot belly stove but these are gradually being replaced with the Sparky fires shown below.


The trust does not provide:-


Fuel for fire

Saws or Axe.


Pots and pans - although some huts have these which have been left by hunters.  Take your own and anything you find is a bonus.  The Trust has supplied some of these in the past but they seem to develope legs.


We can provide rat poison to parties who contact the Trust prior to their trip.

 We recommend you take a little Handy Andy & rag for general cleaning.


Moorings.  Bosom, Little Glory, South Glory, North Glory, Hapuatuna, Abrahams Bay, Southwest Arm all have moorings.  However, these can change quickly and we cannot be confident moorings are safe.  Always be prepared to find no mooring and take a suitable alternative.  

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